Wonderful! SriLanka has shown the world that how genuine she is towards innocent civilians and how vicious and tactful managing brutal terrorists. The whole nation apart from some cowards who are reluctant to accept the reality, bow the leadership of SriLanka. For years I had a question that SriLankan government really handling this problem truthfully. Till the president Rajapaksha took the challenge, I was very confident that he would do his best. Now he has proven it to the world. He has displayed his bravery not only to LTTE, but also to pro- LTTE groups and some countries, organization that for any reason this humanitarian operations wouldn't be halted. Still some of the international media has failed to absorb this "bitter truth" that LTTE is no more "saviors" for Tamils, for years what they pretended to be. I humbly request all SriLankans to get together in this hour to help the needy, thinking this is another Tsunami. It is not only the government's responsibility to look after them. They are our siblings, citizens of SriLanka. We must look after them for ever. At last but not least one thing I must mention, that we must be consistent in helping, developing the citizens of North. It is a responsibility of any government to come to power. If we start fighting each other as we did in the past, another Pirupaharan would come and sing "Sinhalaya Modaya, Kavum Kanna Yodaya"
COMMENT: Dr. Kolitha Lelwala
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