In the four-partseries, "Sunny Sideof Sex"SunnyBergmantravels around the worldover the boundaries ofour thinkingabout sexuality, love,femininityand the body.From apersonalperspective,Sunnyinvolvedin Uganda,China, Cuba andIndia in search ofsurprisingideastoourown (Western) ideaspryabout what is normal,orshould be.
Sunny Bergman documentary "Sunny Side of Sex: India" explores how ancient Indians freely preached the religion of sexual pleasure.Asprudishas our(Dutch) churchhasdeclaredsinfulsexasfreelyproclaimedtheancient Indiansofthe religioussexual pleasure.InBaulon the borderof India withBangladesh, theancientsexualyogaisadaily ritual.The body isanaltar,sexprayer. Telecast on 17th Nov 2011, 20:55.
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You know your projects stand out of the herd. There is something special about them. It seems to me all of them are really brilliant! FAMOUS ESCORTS IN PAKISTAN