In (Part 1-5) Lies Agreed Upon' reveals how Channel-4 "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" dress up with lies of UN officials, staged dramas 2:00, civilian deaths, bombimg of hospitals IDP facilities. "This film contains very disturbing images" thats how Channel-4 journailst Jon Snow begins the dramatic opening of documentary "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields ". Jon Snow presents a poor forensic investigation based on "staged war situations" and biased evidences into the final weeks of three decades of war between Government of Sri Lanka and most ruthless terrorist organization LTTE. Sri Lanka's Killing Fileds (First Broadcasted on Tueday 14th June 2011by Channel4: a doctored footage and deliberate lies are presented as authentic. Numbers are pulled from thin air and presented as facts. Sources are not mentioned faces are hidden, voices are distorted just like the truth unmensioned, hidden and distorted. The very title itself represents outlandish and cynical attempt to revoke memories of Cameroush. Channel-4 does not claim ownership of any footage, facts or figures, faces or names; yet to an uninformed audiance (high ranking officials of United Nations ) C4' Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" appeared to be a great story. It is said that the trust of the innocents is the liars most useful tool. Thats what Channel-4 production begs in its reveal.
"Lies Agreed Upon" documentary (58 minutes in 4 parts) released by government of Sri Lanka exposes the true facts of false allegations directed by Channel-4's controversial footage of "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields. The Lies Areed Upon documentary was shown at the launching ceremony of report titled "Humanitarian Operation Factual Analysis July 2006 - May 2009" - at the Hilton Hotel, Colombo on 1st August 2011
( Download document available on-line and watch here for key speeches at ceremony)
United Nation's officials who appear (Gordon Weiss (a liar) UN Spokes person, Benjamin Dix (a liar)2:19 worked as UN staff-Killinochchi ) in video give false statements based on staged civilian protest 1:55 which later revealed 2:25 by partcipants as staged on request by UN to gain sympathy of international community. UN officials systematicaly setup ground works to protect and defend terrorists and let civilians live in carnage. UN officials not only annouced false staement of 'blood baths' and exaggerated civilliang casualties of 40,000 deaths 4:37 (denied by UN 5:08)but also produced forged documents (issued by LTTE) against Government of Sri Lanka. The guardians of democracy and human rights whom we think protecting civilians are/were protecting terrorists in international platforms.The guadians of democracy have become guardians of terrorists. In this documentary Lies Agreed Upon also highlightens the false claims made by British Channel-4 featuring interviews from former LTTE cadres, eyewitnesses of the final stages of the war.
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Related links:
1.Shame on You
2.Letter to Channel-4
3. Humanitarian Operation Speeches Def Secr Gotabaya & Min GL Peiris
4. Interview with Director of 'Sri Lanka's Killing Fields' CHANNEL-4 documentary
5. Sri Lanka rensponds: Aljazeera Interviews Rajiva Wijesinha on documetary 'Sri Lanka's Killing Fields'
6. Amnesty International
7. Inedependent News Paper (15 June 2011)"Last Night's TV on Sri Lanka's Killing Fields
8. "Channel-4 video a fake", Concludes Video Forensic Analyst
9.Video speeches on seminar "Defeating Terrorism - Sri Lankan Experience
10. Lies Agreed Upon video
11. Channel-4 Faceoff. Exposing Appauling Truth
12. Adaderana TV Fullview of Lies Agrred Upon
13. The report "Humanitarian Operation: Factual Analysis" with detailed information of the humanitarian mission can be viewed:
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