This video shows an attempt to give humans (children) as preys to Leopards in Kandy city jungle "Udawatta-kele" adjoining Temple of Tooth ( Dalada Maligawa). Sri Lanka leopard researchers urge plantation companies to reforest unproductive land to help conserve wildlife.
Big cats (Leopards)in the Kandy city jungle "Udawatta-kele" should be killed or take safety measures to protect Humans. People get killed and people cant go into the nature. These researchers are psychopaths. no where in the world have a wild life forest with killing macines. No need to be a scientist, any person with common sense will realize the danger of a Leapard to humans.
I have been to this jungle patch "Udawattakele" since I was 11-12yrs after school. Once we couldnt get out of it. we lost, we were hungry until 7pm. we ate small palm trees. There are men, women, children often come into jungle for firewoods or to cross to city.
I remeber when I was a child, there were couple of attacks to chidren in Mahayyawa, Hantana in 1980's. People hunted for them. Having Leapards and other big cats among humans are obvious dangers for human life. While I respect the idea of preserving wild life in Sri Lanka, there must be enough safety measures to separate wildlife and humans. Co-exist? even humans cant co-exist, not to mension co-existence of animals-humans. You should never give a human being as a prey to your pet.
1. Untamed And Uncut Leopard Attack on Animal Planet
2. Leopard attack on antelope in South Africa
I didnt mean to insult anyone but I did criticise the mentality of the researchers. Psychopathy according to wikipedia:
"the term used for a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct but masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal"
Having understood how threatening it is for people living around the jungle patch (most of critics here, live in Colombo or overseas) and for their lifestocks I totally disagree with Anjali. I ask you to put yourself and your children into the situation of a potential victim of a Leopard attack while you are in the jungle patch. There are children and women who are vulnerable to Leopard. The nature has been dominated by man during evolusion, otherwise there will not be humans in this planet. Its survival of fittest,according Chalres Darvin.
If you want to preserve bigcats, do it in a forest-reserve that meant for it. Today you will put a Leopard in Udawattakele, tomorrow you will put a Lion because they also belong to the habitat.
You argue humans encroach Leopards habitat. Wrong, Leopard encroached humans habitat. Anjali (wild-life researchers) introduced the Leopard to the jungle patch to watch how Leopard feed on humans.
Search on "You Tube" on Leopard attacks (in my previous post I added two links):
1. This video show a Leopard attack on people in India.
2. This is another Leopard (cub) attack on a photographer
So, be aware what you are talking and doing. Perhaps our wild-life researchers need further education.
You/they/Anjali may have studied wild-life, but their approaches to preserve wild-life doest show concerns for human habitat/society.
your a stupid cunt arent yoU?